REACH for you as a user.
REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals) is a European Union regulation that addresses the handling of chemicals within the EU and replaces the previously applicable chemicals regulations of the individual member states. Its aim is to replace substances which are particularly harmful to the environment or to health with less dangerous substances. The supervisory authority is the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) based in Helsinki. REACH was introduced in three phases, the last of which was completed in June 2018.
All substances that are produced in or imported into the EU in quantities from 1 to 100 tonnes must be notified to ECHA. This is particularly important for small and medium sized companies.
There is, however, an exception to the rule. ECHA treats analytical activities as scientific research and development. Chemicals used for scientific purposes do not need approval as long as they are used in quantities of less than one tonne per year and in compliance with the usual laboratory guidelines. Chemicals used for analytical purposes therefore do not need approval either. The ECHA hat published questions and answers for the special arrangements under paragraphs 585 and 1030 on its website.
REACH and downstream users.
The company AnalytiChem is presently not subject to registration and is thus considered a downstream user. We buy around 1,500 substances from which we produce our solutions and standards. Hundreds of the substances we purchase have already been registered. However, our customers need not fear any relevant repercussions, because we ensure REACH conformity of all standards and solutions.
Tips and tricks.
The following information and the flow chart explain what to do and how to proceed.

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